Grab a Free Quick Guide: 8 Tips for Highly Effective Prayer Warriors

Hola it’s Avi! aka Octavia Steen, coach to moms and future moms with my faith-based business Mother Mindset.

  • Do you ever feel discouraged and overwhelmed in your motherhood journey?
  • Do you find it hard to stick to a routine?
  • Are you fed up with not feeling disciplined in your faith in this busy season?

I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been there and done that sis.

2017-2018 I struggle to get pregnant and after two miscarriages my faith started to waiver.

I was making no time in my schedule for devotion and I knew it's something that needed to change.

After pressing through that season with daily devotion and prayer I began to lean into my quiet time with the Lord and listen to His voice. (and actually hear Him clearly!)

And now I want to show you how to do the exact same thing. That’s why I created Mother Mindset, a business that empowers Christian mamas and future mamas to create time for God and become healthy both spiritually and physically so they can be productive and reach their goals!

Finally, you’ll be able to get closer to God so you’ll have clarity on your motherhood journey!

Finally, you’ll be able to create more time in your life for God and actually be consistent with Him!

“I truly felt better about myself and felt active and healthy. Two months in, I conceived my second child. Avi’s guidance to a healthy lifestyle truly works. So grateful to have joined the healthy journey with her and her programs” -SW

With Mother Mindset, you’ll get prayer guidance, devotionals to help you grow in God, video trainings and resources to help you create and maintain a positive mindset throughout your journey.

“This month's challenge was NECESSARY for me. I have had so many not-so-great things happen to me physically, mentally and emotionally. So, I am grateful that I am still here and that I am in the full swing of learning how to properly take care of myself.” - Djuana

“I almost forgot how incredibly rewarding this is. This is what my body needs right now. God’s been really dealing with me on giving my body what it needs, instead of pushing upon it what I want.” -Tiffany

Mother Mindset helps you to pray with power and authority, create routines you can actually stick to, and believe in God’s promises without doubt!

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